Houéville: French Airspace

There is a 500 page manual titled “Manuel en Route France” published and updated by the French Airforce, giving contact information for airspaces. Currently it can be downloaded under this link: https://www.dircam.dsae.defense.gouv.fr/images/Stories/Doc/ERF/erf_complet.pdf

I’m no expert but here’s what I’ve learned. Thanks Reynald & Seb for sharing your wisdom.

Step 1: Are the RTBA’s active? France is criss-crossed by corridors patrolled by fighter jets flying as low as 300 m off deck. Look up if they’re active: https://www.sia.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/schedules

France is crisscrossed by RTBA corridors for low level fighter patrols.

Step 2: Check airspace.xcontest.org for the French airspaces active on that day. Some of the problematic ones include:

  • R 5 A-D Atis: These guys showed up in pink contours. Click on them and call up the first number on the list. I called +33 671 28 66 07, practised my French, and learned that the airspace wouldn’t be active on the two coming days, but that we’d need to monitor radio frequency 118.775 for traffic and make blind calls. Also, don’t overfly the critical military infrastructure (shown in red on xcontest).

Step 3: CTR Ochey: The takeoff in Houéville is inside Ochey Airforce base’s CTR. Call them (+33 357 80 67 00) before takeoff and they’ll tell you how high you can go. With me they were pretty cool about it.

Step 4: In the air, stay below Nancy’s TMA’s around 1700.

You’ll find most of the relevant links on Alpsfreeride.com


Texas Weather with Robin Hamilton


Houéville: Weather & Logistics